Comprehensive Trading Resources at Newberry
Essential Documents and Forms for Trading
Stay informed with all the required forms and documents for smooth trading in India. From opening accounts to risk disclosures, we have you covered.
To get started, ensure you have the necessary documents and forms, such as KYC forms for individuals and non-individuals, profile change requests, and policy details.
Documents and forms required for Trading :
- Risk disclosures on derivatives
- Procedure for Checking the Status of a Complaint
- Procedure for Filing a Complaint
- Procedure for opening of Demat Account
- Procedure for opening of Trading Account
- Redressal Mechanism for Investor Grievance
- KYC for Individual
- KYC for Non – Individual
- Combined Risk Disclosure Document
- Profile Change Request
- Policies and Procedures
- Policy for Inactive Accounts
- Policy – PMLA
- Policy – RMS
- Personal and Financial Updation
- Email ID change request
- ECN–Decalaration
- Rights & Obligations
- Uniform Risk Disclosure document
- Do’s & Don’t’s for trading on exchange.
- Policy for Freezing_Blocking_Client_Account
- Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC)
- Policy on Handling of Good Till Cancelled Orders (GTC) for Clients
Documents and forms required for DP (Demat):
- Transmission Cum Dematerialization Form
- CDSL Tarrif Sheet
- Freeze Unfreeze Request Form
- Account Modification Request
- Nomination Form
- Demat Account Closure
- SMART Cancellation
- Terms, Conditions & Registration – SMART Facility
- Transmission cum Demat Request – In Case of Death
- Transmission Request – Death of Joint Holders
- Transmission Request – Death of Sole Holder
- Transposition Request
- Undertaking for Shifting of Account
- Pledge Request Form (PRF)
- Unpledge Request Form (URF)
- Additional Form for HUF
- Invocation Request
- Mutual Fund Destatementisation

Your Gateway to Secure Trading
Understand the importance of KYC. Our resources cover all you need to know, from individual to non-individual forms.
Complete your KYC to ensure compliance and security in your activities with Newberry.
Managing Your Trading Account Policies
Keep your accounts compliant with Newberry’s detailed account management policies.
From PMLA to RMS policies, we provide all the guidelines you need to manage your accounts effectively.
Trading Do’s and Don’ts
Enhance your practices with our essential do’s and don’ts, ensuring compliance with Mumbai’s financial regulations.
Follow our best practices to maintain a successful and compliant trading experience with Newberry.